Experiments with Film

So for a learning experience I took a roll of Tri-X 400 Kodak Film and shot it as if it was actually 800 ISO. 

I can see how this is useful when shooting indoors as even with my lumu light meter those images exposed well. My problem came if I had the camera outdoors. I couldn’t prevent overexposure it seems (I do not own a ND filter for my film camera).

You can see the results below that I felt were worth to share (both good and bad):


Barn Street Drummer Street Drummer Protest Mother and Son Mother and Son Mother and Son Mother and Son Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Playing Farm



A short note on Film vs Digital

An article out on F-Stoppers got me thinking about why I’ve recently going out to get an old fully manual film camera and my reason to shoot with it more than my digital camera lately.

I’ve chosen to use film recently because I feel it is a great tool to learn photography. There are a number of reasons why I feel this way and by all means I’m not here to tell you to do the same but I do feel it has helped me in my photo learning process and may help you too.

Here are my three reasons for using film while learning:

It slows you down: If you are buying film you only get, at most, 36 shots to a roll. You can’t just “fire away” and hope for the best like you can with digital. Also with a manual focus while walking around you have to stop and focus. Now you can say that I can also use Zone Focusing to get results as well especially when doing street photography. I do use this if I plan on capturing a person out on the street but most times I’m not out to get people but more architecture in downtown Milwaukee and Mequon/Theinsville where I walk around.

It makes you think: Now yes you do think when shooting digital but with the limited number of shots on the roll of film you will be more likely to be more discerning on how you shoot the subject. Digital will let you shoot multiple shots of the subject with ease as long as you have the memory space on the card to get various angles you want and then later pick the best of the buch. Film though as stated has a limited number of shots per roll of film. Keeping that in mind film also has a cost per roll* that comparably is much higher than digital and you tend to think about that cost and work more to get the shot right in one or two captures. You train yourself in this process to look at your chosen subject. 

* This does not including the cost to develop the film and get the images into digital format.

It teaches patience: Film does not give you the instant feedback like Digital does. You can’t know your results until the film is developed. You learn to wait for your results and you learn to take your time with setting up the shot. Sometimes as a new photographer digital allows you to rush through things a little too easy. There is the tendency to just fire away and sort it out later. Taking the first to reasons into account you learn patience and this helps you to think about composition and exposure more to get it right in one go.

As I said previously I’m not telling you that you have to run out there and grab a film camera. I’m just showing you that it is another tool you can use if needed to help your build your skills as a photographer.

Thanks for reading

AE-1 B&W Film First Roll

Push to WalkSky LineSlowRoad AheadHome FieldFun Day
SlideSwinging BackSwingingSwingCozyNap Master
The RideStove Top

AE-1 B&W Film First Roll, a set on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Various shots from my Canon AE-1 Film Camera that were “Keepers”.

I think I found a problem with the camera though as it leaves a line on the top edge of the image.

I wish I saw this line before I put my other roll of film in. However, if it shows up on the next roll of film then I know for sure it is the camera.

Goodbye T50 Hello AE-1

After having fun with using my co-workers T50 I went to eBay and picked up a Canon AE-1 for $80.

It has a few dings and the focus screen and mirror was really dusty (like some one left the camera sitting with out a lens of body cap on). After cleaning it out and the lens up there are still a few marks on the focusing screen that look like possible scratches. They are not too distracting when looking thought the view finder, but will look for a replacement screen after testing it out on a roll of film to see if anything shows up on the negative.

I hope this will be a fun walk around camera to play with and learn on as well. Bonus for me is that the AE-1 is fully manual unlike the T50 so I have more control with the ability to set shutter speed as I want now instead of being stuck as what the camera chooses.

The only thing I will have to get use to is the the AE-1 does not auto advance like the T50 did. I’ve forgotten that a few time when testing the camera and making sure it functioned when I received it.

Thanks for reading

Canon T50 Shots with B&W Film

Here are the shots that came out when I was using the Canon T50 and Black and White Film. Not many turned out well enough to show as I could not get use to not having an adjustable shutter speed. Also putting the camera on full “Auto” made the shutter speed a constant 1-2 seconds. In manual mode I ended blowing out shots a bit sometimes but they still came out OK..ish… 

This was also my first attempt at really trying to use zone focusing for people with a manual focus lens.

It was a good learning experience.Please, let me know what you think!

Fun with FilmFun with FilmFun with FilmFun with FilmFun with FilmFun with Film
Fun with FilmFun with FilmFun with FilmFun with FilmFun with FilmFun with Film
Fun with FilmFun with FilmFun with FilmFun with FilmFun with FilmFun with Film
Fun with FilmFun with FilmFun with FilmFun with FilmFun with FilmFun with Film
Canon T50, a set on Flickr.

Thanks for reading